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Nature Supplement

Nature Index 2014 Global

Nature Vol. 515 No.7526 ppS49-S108, 13 November 2014

Nature Index 2014 Global

The Nature Index 2014 Global supplement provides a snapshot of results from the new Nature Index, comparing the countries and institutions around the world that contributed to some of the highest quality research during the previous calendar year. The supplement provides analysis based on national news about science policy and funding backed by data from the Nature Index on subject strengths and research output.

Nature Index 2014 Global

Nature Index: A global indicator of high-quality research

The Nature index tracks the affiliations of high quality scientific articles published in 68 science journals independently chosen by the scientific community as the journals scientists would most like to publish their best research in. Updated monthly, the Nature Index presents research outputs of over 7,000 parent institutions worldwide presenting a page of output statistics for each institution along with information on institutions collaborating with the institution in the publication of Index articles. Each of the approximately 60,000 articles in the Index has a dedicated article page with social and mainstream media coverage tracked by Altmetric. League tables of output of institutions can be generated on the fly on a global, regional or country basis and by broad subject area as well as by article count and fractional article count. Use Nature Index to interrogate publication patterns and to benchmark research performance and collaboration worldwide.

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