Research Abstract
Enhanced HSP70 lysine methylation promotes proliferation of cancer cells through activation of Aurora kinase B
2012年9月18日 Nature Communications 3 : 1072 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2074
Hyun-Soo Cho1, 島津 忠広2, 豊川 剛二1,3, 醍醐 弥太郎1,4, 前原 喜彦3, 速水 晋也1, 伊藤 昭博2, 益田 健1, 井川 典子1, Helen I. Field5, 土屋 永寿6,7, 大沼 信一8, Bruce A.J. Ponder9, 吉田 稔2, 中村 祐輔1,10 & 浜本 隆二1,9
- 東京大学 医科学研究所 ヒトゲノム解析センター シークエンス技術開発分野
- 理化学研究所 基幹研究所 ケミカルゲノミクス研究グループ
- 九州大学 大学院医学研究院
- 滋賀医科大学 腫瘍内科
- ケンブリッジ大学Department of Genetics(英国)
- 埼玉県立がんセンター 病理科
- 神奈川県立がんセンター臨床研究所
- ロンドン大学ユニバーシティカレッジ(英国)
- ケンブリッジ大学 Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute(英国)
- シカゴ大学(米国)
Although heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70), an evolutionarily highly conserved molecular chaperone, is known to be post-translationally modified in various ways such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination and glycosylation, physiological significance of lysine methylation has never been elucidated. Here we identify dimethylation of HSP70 at Lys-561 by SETD1A. Enhanced HSP70 methylation was detected in various types of human cancer by immunohistochemical analysis, although the methylation was barely detectable in corresponding non-neoplastic tissues. Interestingly, methylated HSP70 predominantly localizes to the nucleus of cancer cells, whereas most of the HSP70 protein locates to the cytoplasm. Nuclear HSP70 directly interacts with Aurora kinase B (AURKB) in a methylation-dependent manner and promotes AURKB activity in vitro and in vivo. We also find that methylated HSP70 has a growth-promoting effect in cancer cells. Our findings demonstrate a crucial role of HSP70 methylation in human carcinogenesis.