Research Abstract
Continued Distress among Abandoned Dogs in Fukushima
2012年10月11日 Scientific Reports 2 : 724 doi: 10.1038/srep00724

永澤 美保1*, 茂木 一孝1* & 菊水 健史1
- 麻布大学 獣医学部 動物応用科学科 伴侶動物学研究室
* 本研究は、永澤 美保、茂木 一孝の2研究者が同等に貢献した成果として論文発表しています。
In Fukushima, Japan, a prolonged refugee situation caused by a major nuclear incident after the earthquake of March 11, 2011 has led to the unintentional abandonment of many pets. We received stray or abandoned dogs from rescue centers in Fukushima Prefecture. During re-socialization training and health care, we accessed the behavioral characteristics and the urine cortisol level of each dog and compared them with those of other abandoned dogs not involved in this earthquake. The dogs from Fukushima showed significantly lower aggression toward unfamiliar people, trainability, and attachment to their caretakers; also, urine cortisol levels in the dogs from Fukushima were 5–10-fold higher than those in abandoned dogs from another area of Japan. These results suggested that the dogs from Fukushima suffered through an extremely stressful crisis.