Research Abstract
Disturbances in equilibrium function after major earthquake
2012年10月19日 Scientific Reports 2 : 749 doi: 10.1038/srep00749

本間 元康1, 遠藤 信貴2, 長田 佳久3, 金 吉晴1 & 栗山 健一1
- 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 精神保健研究所 成人精神保健研究部
- 近畿大学 総合社会学部 心理系専攻
- 立教大学 現代心理学部 心理学科
Major earthquakes were followed by a large number of aftershocks and significant outbreaks of dizziness occurred over a large area. However it is unclear why major earthquake causes dizziness. We conducted an intergroup trial on equilibrium dysfunction and psychological states associated with equilibrium dysfunction in individuals exposed to repetitive aftershocks versus those who were rarely exposed. Greater equilibrium dysfunction was observed in the aftershock-exposed group under conditions without visual compensation. Equilibrium dysfunction in the aftershock-exposed group appears to have arisen from disturbance of the inner ear, as well as individual vulnerability to state anxiety enhanced by repetitive exposure to aftershocks. We indicate potential effects of autonomic stress on equilibrium function after major earthquake. Our findings may contribute to risk management of psychological and physical health after major earthquakes with aftershocks, and allow development of a new empirical approach to disaster care after such events.