Plasmon-enhanced photocurrent generation and water oxidation from visible to near-infrared wavelengths
2013年9月6日 NPG Asia Materials 5, e9 (2013) doi:10.1038/am.2013.42

Light energy conversion: At longer wavelengths
Sunlight is a promising source of renewable energy, and a considerable amount of research is invested in converting solar energy into electric or chemical energy. As the sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface comprises mostly visible and infrared radiation, it is crucial to be able to capture and convert these longer wavelengths. Metallic nanoparticles that exhibit localized surface plasmon resonance are particularly attractive for this application — incident light induces a collective oscillation of electrons at resonant wavelengths that can be adjusted by tailoring the nanoparticles' size, shape and order within an array. In this Review, Kosei Ueno and Hiroaki Misawa describe recent advances made using a photoconversion system composed of an array of gold nanorods arranged on a single-crystal titanium dioxide electrode. Incoming sunlight excites titanium dioxide through these nanorods — which act as plasmonic antennas — rather than directly, generating photocurrent and promoting water oxidation by means of visible and near-infrared light.