Spatial regulation of synthetic and biological nanoparticles by DNA nanotechnology
2015年2月27日 NPG Asia Materials 7, e2 (2015) doi:10.1038/am.2015.2
ナノテクノロジー: DNAナノテクノロジーを利用してナノ粒子を配置する

Nanotechnology: Arranging nanoparticles using DNA nanotechnology
DNA nanotechnology is a highly promising way to spatially arrange both synthetic and biological nanoparticles. As such, it holds out much potential for enhancing the fabrication of functional materials and devices. In this review, scientists from Tsinghua University and Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics in China summarize recent advances in this emerging field. They first review progress in the spatial regulation of nanoparticles by static DNA nanostructures, including the formation of plasmonic structures from metal nanoparticles and the regulation of reaction pathways for bio-inspired nanofactories. They also consider the dynamic regulation of nanoparticles using DNA, which enables the fabrication of devices whose structures can be spatially tuned. They then discuss the new concept of spatial regulation of DNA molecules on individual nanoparticles. Finally, they review future challenges in this field.