Research Abstract
Two rotating cilia in the node cavity are sufficient to break left–right symmetry in the mouse embryo
2012年1月10日 Nature Communications 3 : 622 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1624

大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 発生遺伝学グループ
および科学技術振興機構(JST)戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST) - 早稲田大学 先進理工学部 電気・情報生命工学科
- 国立長寿医療研究センター 加齢健康脳科学研究部
- ジュネーブ大学(スイス)
- リヨン大学(フランス)
Determination of left–right asymmetry in mouse embryos is achieved by a leftward fluid flow (nodal flow) in the node cavity that is generated by clockwise rotational movement of 200–300 cilia in the node. The precise action of nodal flow and how much flow input is required for the robust read-out of left–right determination remains unknown. Here we show that a local leftward flow generated by as few as two rotating cilia is sufficient to break left–right symmetry. Quantitative analysis of fluid flow and ciliary rotation in the node of mouse embryos shows that left–right asymmetry is already established within a few hours after the onset of rotation by a subset of nodal cilia. Examination of various ciliary mutant mice shows that two rotating cilia are sufficient to initiate left–right asymmetric gene expression. Our results suggest the existence of a highly sensitive system in the node that is able to sense an extremely weak unidirectional flow, and may favour a model in which the flow is sensed as a mechanical force.