Research Abstract
好熱性古細菌が極限環境で生息できるのは、細胞膜脂質の環構造によるということが知られている。本稿でHonda らは、環状化高分子両親媒性物質によって、自己組織化ミセルの熱安定性および塩安定性が向上することを報告する。
Tuneable enhancement of the salt and thermal stability of polymeric micelles by cyclized amphiphiles
2013年3月12日 Nature Communications 4 : 1574 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2585

本多 智1, 山本 拓矢1 & 手塚 育志1
- 東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科
Cyclic molecules provide better stability for their aggregates. Typically in nature, the unique cyclic cell membrane lipids allow thermophilic archaea to inhabit extreme conditions. By mimicking the biological design, the robustness of self-assembled synthetic nanostructures is expected to be improved. Here we report topology effects by cyclized polymeric amphiphiles against their linear counterparts, demonstrating a drastic enhancement in the thermal, as well as salt stability of self-assembled micelles. Furthermore, through coassembly of the linear and cyclic amphiphiles, the stability was successfully tuned for a wide range of temperatures and salt concentrations. The enhanced thermal/salt stability was exploited in a halogen exchange reaction to stimulate the catalytic activity. The mechanism for the enhancement was also investigated. These topology effects by the cyclic amphiphiles offer unprecedented opportunities in polymer materials design unattainable by traditional means.