Research Abstract
Linkage control between molecular and supramolecular chirality in 21-helical hydrogen-bonded networks using achiral components
2013年4月30日 Nature Communications 4 : 1787 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2756

佐々木 俊之1, 久木 一朗1, 宮野 哲也1, 藤内 謙光1, 森本 和也2, 佐藤 久子2, 都築 誠二3 & 宮田 幹二1
- 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 生命先端工学専攻
- 愛媛大学大学院 理工学研究科 環境機能科学専攻
- 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 ナノシステム研究部門 計算化学領域
Chiral molecules preferentially form one-handed supramolecular assemblies that reflect the absolute configuration of the molecules. Under specific conditions, however, the opposite-handed supramolecular assemblies are also obtained because of flexibility in the bond length and reversibility of non-covalent interactions. The mechanism of the handedness selectivity or switching phenomenon remains ambiguous, and most phenomena are observed by chance. Here we demonstrate the construction of chiral hydrogen-bonded twofold helical assemblies with controlled handedness in the crystalline state based on crystallographic studies. Detailed investigation of the obtained crystal structures enabled us to clarify the mechanism, and the handedness of the supramolecular chirality was successfully controlled by exploiting achiral factors. This study clearly reveals a connection between molecular chirality and supramolecular chirality in the crystalline state.