Research Abstract
Substrate ectodomain is critical for substrate preference and inhibition of γ-secretase
2013年10月9日 Nature Communications 4 : 2529 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3529

舟本 聡1, 佐々木 亨2, 石原 聖子1, 延原 美香1, 中野 将希1*, 高橋 美帆1, 斉藤 貴志3, 角田 伸人4, 宮坂 知宏1, 西川 喜代孝1, 西道 隆臣3 & 井原 康夫1,4
- 同志社大学大学院 生命医科学研究科
- ペプチドリーム株式会社
- 理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター
- 同志社大学大学院 脳科学研究科
*現所属先:京都大学大学院 生命科学研究科
Understanding the substrate recognition mechanism of γ-secretase is a key step for establishing substrate-specific inhibition of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) production. However, it is widely believed that γ-secretase is a promiscuous protease and that its substrate-specific inhibition is elusive. Here we show that γ-secretase distinguishes the ectodomain length of substrates and preferentially captures and cleaves substrates containing a short ectodomain. We also show that a subset of peptides containing the CDCYCxxxxCxCxSC motif binds to the amino terminus of C99 and inhibits Aβ production in a substrate-specific manner. Interestingly, these peptides suppress β-secretase-dependent cleavage of APP, but not that of sialyltransferase 1. Most importantly, intraperitoneal administration of peptides into mice results in a significant reduction in cerebral Aβ levels. This report provides direct evidence of the substrate preference of γ-secretase and its mechanism. Our results demonstrate that the ectodomain of C99 is a potent target for substrate-specific anti-Aβ therapeutics to combat Alzheimer’s disease.