Research Abstract
Conjugated organic framework with three-dimensionally ordered stable structure and delocalized π clouds
2013年11月13日 Nature Communications 4 : 2736 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3736

郭 佳1,2, 許 艶紅1, 金 尚彬1, 陳 龍1*, 嘉治 利彦1, 本庄 義人3, アディコート マタイ4, キム ジャンベ5, 佐伯 昭典3, イ ヒョッチョル5,6, 関 修平3, イレ ステファン4, 平本 昌宏1, 高 佳1 & 江 東林1
- 自然科学研究機構 分子科学研究所 物質分子科学研究領域
- 復旦大学 高分子科学専攻(中国)
- 大阪大学 工学研究科 応用化学専攻
- 名古屋大学 理学研究科 化学専攻
- 韓国科学技術院(韓国)
- Institute for Basic Science (韓国)
Covalent organic frameworks are a class of crystalline organic porous materials that can utilize π–π-stacking interactions as a driving force for the crystallization of polygonal sheets to form layered frameworks and ordered pores. However, typical examples are chemically unstable and lack intrasheet π-conjugation, thereby significantly limiting their applications. Here we report a chemically stable, electronically conjugated organic framework with topologically designed wire frameworks and open nanochannels, in which the π conjugation-spans the two-dimensional sheets. Our framework permits inborn periodic ordering of conjugated chains in all three dimensions and exhibits a striking combination of properties: chemical stability, extended π-delocalization, ability to host guest molecules and hole mobility. We show that the π-conjugated organic framework is useful for high on-off ratio photoswitches and photovoltaic cells. Therefore, this strategy may constitute a step towards realizing ordered semiconducting porous materials for innovations based on two-dimensionally extended π systems.