Research Abstract
Hydride ions in oxide hosts hidden by hydroxide ions
2014年3月24日 Nature Communications 5 : 3515 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4515

林 克郎1*, Peter V. Sushko2**, 橋本 康博3, Alexander L. Shluger2 & 細野 秀雄4
- 東京工業大学 応用セラミックス研究所 セキュアマテリアル研究センター
- ロンドン大学ユニバーシティカレッジ (英)
- 旭化成株式会社 新事業企画開発室
- 東京工業大学 フロンティア研究センター
*現所属先:九州大学 応用化学部門
The true oxidation state of formally ‘H−’ ions incorporated in an oxide host is frequently discussed in connection with chemical shifts of 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, as they can exhibit values typically attributed to H+. Here we systematically investigate the link between geometrical structure and chemical shift of H− ions in an oxide host, mayenite, with a combination of experimental and ab initio approaches, in an attempt to resolve this issue. We demonstrate that the electron density near the hydrogen nucleus in an OH− ion (formally H+ state) exceeds that in an H− ion. This behaviour is the opposite to that expected from formal valences. We deduce a relationship between the chemical shift of H− and the distance from the H− ion to the coordinating electropositive cation. This relationship is pivotal for resolving H− species that are masked by various states of H+ ions.