Research Abstract
Fabrication of enzyme-degradable and size-controlled protein nanowires using single particle nano-fabrication technique
2014年4月28日 Nature Communications 5 : 3718 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4718

大道 正明1,2, 麻野 敦資1,3, 佃 諭志4, 高野 勝昌1, 杉本 雅樹3, 佐伯 昭紀1, 酒巻 大輔1, 小野田 晃1, 林 高史1 & 関 修平1
- 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 応用化学専攻
- 阿南工業高等専門学校 地域連携・テクノセンター
- 日本原子力研究開発機構 量子ビーム応用研究部門
- 東北大学 多元物質科学研究所
Protein nanowires exhibiting specific biological activities hold promise for interacting with living cells and controlling and predicting biological responses such as apoptosis, endocytosis and cell adhesion. Here we report the result of the interaction of a single high-energy charged particle with protein molecules, giving size-controlled protein nanowires with an ultra-high aspect ratio of over 1,000. Degradation of the human serum albumin nanowires was examined using trypsin. The biotinylated human serum albumin nanowires bound avidin, demonstrating the high affinity of the nanowires. Human serum albumin–avidin hybrid nanowires were also fabricated from a solid state mixture and exhibited good mechanical strength in phosphate-buffered saline. The biotinylated human serum albumin nanowires can be transformed into nanowires exhibiting a biological function such as avidin–biotinyl interactions and peroxidase activity. The present technique is a versatile platform for functionalizing the surface of any protein molecule with an extremely large surface area.