Research Abstract
Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump
2014年5月27日 Nature Communications 5 : 3950 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4950

渡邉 英嗣1, 小野寺 丈尚太郎1, 原田 尚美1, 本多 牧生1, 木元 克典1, 菊地 隆1, 西野 茂人1, 松野 孝平2,3, 山口 篤3, 石田 明生1,4 & 岸 道郎1,3
- 海洋研究開発機構
- 国立極地研究所
- 北海道大学
- 常葉大学
The future conditions of Arctic sea ice and marine ecosystems are of interest not only to climate scientists, but also to economic and governmental bodies. However, the lack of widespread, year-long biogeochemical observations remains an obstacle to understanding the complicated variability of the Arctic marine biological pump. Here we show an early winter maximum of sinking biogenic flux in the western Arctic Ocean and illustrate the importance of shelf-break eddies to biological pumping from wide shelves to adjacent deep basins using a combination of year-long mooring observations and three-dimensional numerical modelling. The sinking flux trapped in the present study included considerable fresh organic material with soft tissues and was an order of magnitude larger than previous estimates. We predict that further reductions in sea ice will promote the entry of Pacific-origin biological species into the Arctic basin and accelerate biogeochemical cycles connecting the Arctic and subarctic oceans.