Research Abstract
Development of pro-apoptotic peptides as potential therapy for peritoneal endometriosis
2014年7月22日 Nature Communications 5 : 4478 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5478

杉原 一廣1, 小林 陽一2, 鈴木 淳3, 田村 直顕2, K. Motamedchaboki2, C.-T. Huang2, 赤間 智也2, J. Pecotte4, P. Frost4, C. Bauer4, J.B. Jimenez Jr. 4, 中山 淳5, 青木 大輔3 & 福田 道子2
- 浜松医科大学 医学部 産婦人科学講座
- サンフォード・バーナム医学研究所 (米)
- 慶應義塾大学 医学部 産婦人科学教室
- サウスウエスト国立霊長類センター(米)
- 信州大学 大学院医学系研究科 分子病理学教室
Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disease associated with pelvic pain and infertility. Current treatments include oral contraceptives combined with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery to remove lesions, all of which provide a temporary but not complete cure. Here we identify an endometriosis-targeting peptide that is internalized by cells, designated z13, using phage display. As most endometriosis occurs on organ surfaces facing the peritoneum, we subtracted a phage display library with female mouse peritoneum tissue and selected phage clones by binding to human endometrial epithelial cells. Proteomics analysis revealed the z13 receptor as the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel β3, a sorting pathway protein. We then linked z13 with an apoptosis-inducing peptide and with an endosome-escaping peptide. When these peptides were co-administered into the peritoneum of baboons with endometriosis, cells in lesions selectively underwent apoptosis with no effect on neighbouring organs. Thus, this study presents a strategy that could be useful to treat peritoneal endometriosis in humans.