Research Abstract
幅5 nm未満のグラフェンナノリンクルにおいて構造に駆動される一次元電子閉じ込め
Structurally driven one-dimensional electron confinement in sub-5-nm graphene nanowrinkles
2015年10月23日 Nature Communications 6 : 8601 doi: 10.1038/ncomms9601

Hyunseob Lim, Jaehoon Jung, Rodney S. Ruoff & Yousoo Kim
Corresponding Author
Graphene-based carbon materials such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphenes have distinct and unique electronic properties that depend on their dimensionality and geometric structures. Graphene wrinkles with pseudo one-dimensional structures have been observed in a graphene sheet. However, their one-dimensional electronic properties have never been observed because of their large widths. Here we report the unique electronic structure of graphene nanowrinkles in a graphene sheet grown on Ni(111), the width of which was small enough to cause one-dimensional electron confinement. Use of spatially resolved, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy revealed bandgap opening and a one-dimensional van Hove singularity in the graphene nanowrinkles, as well as the chemical potential distribution across the graphene nanowrinkles. This observation allows us to realize a metallic-semiconducting-metallic junction in a single graphene sheet. Our demonstration of one-dimensional electron confinement in graphene provides the novel possibility of controlling its electronic properties not by chemical modification but by ‘mechanical structuring’.