プラズモニックホットエレクトロンの移動とプラズモン分子駆動に関する知見: エネルギー変換とナノファブリケーションにおける新たな局面
Insight into plasmonic hot-electron transfer and plasmon molecular drive: new dimensions in energy conversion and nanofabrication
2017年12月15日 NPG Asia Materials 9, e454 (2017) doi:10.1038/am.2017.191
プラズモニクス: 太陽電池に「ホットエレクトロン」を利用

Plasmonics: A hot spot for solar cells
Quantum-level interactions between light and metal nanoparticles could boost the efficiency of solar cells and be used for nanoengineering. A photon and numerous electrons on the surface of a metal can couple together to form a hybrid particle known as a plasmon. Akihiro Furube and Shuichi Hashimoto from Tokushima University review how plasmons can both improve solar energy conversion and provide a means of nanoscale engineering. When plasmons decay, they can create high-energy electrons. Furube and Hashimoto summarize how these ‘hot’ electrons broaden the range of wavelengths over which solar cells operate so that they absorb more light. They also review how researchers can harness the heat created by hot electrons to physically move DNA, proteins and other tiny objects, which will enable complex nanostructures to be constructed with a high level of precision.