Research Abstract
Molecular decoding using luminescence from an entangled porous framework
2011年1月25日 Nature Communications 2 : 168 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1170

- JST戦略的創造研究推進事業ERATO型研究「北川統合細孔プロジェクト」
- 京都大学大学院工学研究科
- バスク大学(スペイン)
- 京都大学物質–細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS)
- 株式会社リガクX線研究所
- 現所属:高輝度光科学研究センター/SPring-8
Chemosensors detect a single target molecule from among several molecules, but cannot differentiate targets from one another. In this study, we report a molecular decoding strategy in which a single host domain accommodates a class of molecules and distinguishes between them with a corresponding readout. We synthesized the decoding host by embedding naphthalenediimide into the scaffold of an entangled porous framework that exhibited structural dynamics due to the dislocation of two chemically non-interconnected frameworks. An intense turn-on emission was observed on incorporation of a class of aromatic compounds, and the resulting luminescent colour was dependent on the chemical substituent of the aromatic guest. This unprecedented chemoresponsive, multicolour luminescence originates from an enhanced naphthalenediimide.aromatic guest interaction because of the induced-fit structural transformation of the entangled framework. We demonstrate that the cooperative structural transition in mesoscopic crystal domains results in a nonlinear sensor response to the guest concentration.