Research Abstract
Evolution of a tissue-specific silencer underlies divergence in the expression of and paralogues
2012年5月22日 Nature Communications 3 : 848 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1851

- 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス研究科
- 科学技術振興機構(JST)CREST
Recent studies underscore a role for the differential degeneration of enhancers in the evolutionary diversification of paralogue expression. However, no one has reported evidence for the involvement of innovative cis-regulatory changes. Here we show that silencer innovation diversified expression of the vertebrate paralogues, pax2 and pax8. pax2 shows multi-tissue expression, as does the ancestral amphioxus orthologue, pax2/5/8, whereas pax8 expression localizes to a subset of pax2-expressing tissues. We reveal that both pax2 and pax8 retain ancestral enhancers capable of directing pax2-like, multi-tissue expression. However, a silencer within the pax8 proximal promoter suppresses pleiotropic enhancer activity outside the pax8-expressing tissues. In contrast, the combination of the pax2 proximal promoter with either the pax8 or pax2 enhancer recapitulates pax2-like expression, as in the amphioxus pax2/5/8 promoter. We propose that silencer innovation, rather than enhancer degeneration, was crucial for the divergent expression of paralogues with pleiotropic enhancers inherited from their common progenitor.