Research Abstract
Programmable spin-state switching in a mixed-valence spin-crossover iron grid
2014年5月15日 Nature Communications 5 : 3865 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4865

松本 卓士1, グラハム N. ニュートン1, 志賀 拓也1, 速水 真也2, 松井 裕太3, 岡本 博3, 熊井 玲児4, 村上 洋一4 & 大塩 寛紀1
- 筑波大学大学院 数理物質科学研究科
- 熊本大学大学院 自然科学研究科
- 東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科
- 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所
Photo-switchable systems, such as discrete spin-crossover complexes and bulk iron–cobalt Prussian blue analogues, exhibit, at a given temperature, a bistability between low- and high-spin states, allowing the storage of binary data. Grouping different bistable chromophores in a molecular framework was postulated to generate a complex that could be site-selectively excited to access multiple electronic states under identical conditions. Here we report the synthesis and the thermal and light-induced phase transitions of a tetranuclear iron(II) grid-like complex and its two-electron oxidized equivalent. The heterovalent grid is thermally inactive but the spin states of its constituent metal ions are selectively switched using different laser stimuli, allowing the molecule to exist in three discrete phases. Site-selective photo-excitation, herein enabling one molecule to process ternary data, may have major ramifications in the development of future molecular memory storage technologies.