Research Abstract
Immediate tool incorporation processes determine human motor planning with tools
2014年7月31日 Nature Communications 5 : 4424 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5524

G. Ganesh1,2, 吉岡 利福3, 大須 理英子3 & 池上 剛1
- 情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター (CiNet)
- CNRS-AISTロボット工学連携研究体、フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)
- 国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)
Human dexterity with tools is believed to stem from our ability to incorporate and use tools as parts of our body. However tool incorporation, evident as extensions in our body representation and peri-personal space, has been observed predominantly after extended tool exposures and does not explain our immediate motor behaviours when we change tools. Here we utilize two novel experiments to elucidate the presence of additional immediate tool incorporation effects that determine motor planning with tools. Interestingly, tools were observed to immediately induce a trial-by-trial, tool length dependent shortening of the perceived limb lengths, opposite to observations of elongations after extended tool use. Our results thus exhibit that tools induce a dual effect on our body representation; an immediate shortening that critically affects motor planning with a new tool, and the slow elongation, probably a consequence of skill related changes in sensory-motor mappings with the repeated use of the tool.