Research Abstract


Oxytocin attenuates feelings of hostility depending on emotional context and individuals' characteristics

2012年4月26日 Scientific Reports 2 : 384 doi: 10.1038/srep00384


廣澤 徹1, 菊知 充1,2, 東田 陽博2, 奥村 栄一4, 上野 早苗1, 下道 喜代美1, 吉村 優子1, 棟居 俊夫1,2, 坪川 恒久3, 春田 康博4, 中谷 英夫1, 橋本 隆紀1 & 三邉 義雄1,2

  1. 金沢大学大学院 医学系研究科 脳情報病態学
  2. 金沢大学 子どものこころの発達研究センター
  3. 金沢大学 大学院 医学系研究科 麻酔・蘇生学
  4. 横河電機株式会社
In humans, oxytocin (OT) enhances prosocial behaviour. However, it is still unclear how the prosocial effects of OT are modulated by emotional features and/or individuals' characteristics. In a placebo-controlled design, we tested 20 healthy male volunteers to investigate these behavioural and neurophysiological modulations using magnetoencephalography. As an index of the individuals' characteristics, we used the empathy quotient (EQ), the autism spectrum quotient (AQ), and the systemising quotient (SQ). Only during the perception of another person's angry face was a higher SQ a significant predictor of OT-induced prosocial change, both in the behavioural and neurophysiological indicators. In addition, a lower EQ was only a significant predictor of OT-induced prosocial changes in the neurophysiological indicators during the perception of angry faces. Both on the behavioural and the neurophysiological level, the effects of OT were specific for anger and correlated with a higher SQ.

