Research Abstract


β-catenin is a molecular switch that regulates transition of cell-cell adhesion to fusion

2011年8月19日 Scientific Reports 1 : 68 doi: 10.1038/srep00068


竹澤 侑希1*, 吉田 恵一1*, 宮戸 健二1, 佐藤 正宏2, 中村 彰宏1, 河野 菜摘子1, 榊原 圭一1, 近藤 喬彦1, 原田 裕一郎1, 大浪 尚子1, 金井 誠也1, 宮戸 真美1, 斉藤 英和3, 高橋 祐司3, 阿久津 英憲1 & 梅澤 明弘1

  1. 独立行政法人 国立成育医療研究センター 生殖・細胞医療研究部
  2. 鹿児島大学 フロンティアサイエンス研究推進センター
  3. 独立行政法人 国立成育医療研究センター
    *These authors equally contributed to this work
When a sperm and an oocyte unite upon fertilization, their cell membranes adhere and fuse, but little is known about the factors regulating sperm-oocyte adhesion. Here we explored the role of β-catenin in sperm-oocyte adhesion. Biochemical analysis revealed that E-cadherin and β-catenin formed a complex in oocytes and also in sperm. Sperm-oocyte adhesion was impaired when β-catenin-deficient oocytes were inseminated with sperm. Furthermore, expression of β-catenin decreased from the sperm head and the site of an oocyte to which a sperm adheres after completion of sperm-oocyte adhesion. UBE1-41, an inhibitor of ubiquitin-activating enzyme 1, inhibited the degradation of β-catenin, and reduced the fusing ability of wild-type (but not β-catenin-deficient) oocytes. These results indicate that β-catenin is not only involved in membrane adhesion, but also in the transition to membrane fusion upon fertilization.


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