Carcinogenicity evaluation for the application of carbon nanotubes as biomaterials in rasH2 mice
2012年7月9日 Scientific Reports 2 : 498 doi: 10.1038/srep00498

高梨 誠司1, 原 一生1, 青木 薫1, 薄井 雄企2, 清水 政幸1, 羽二生久夫1, 荻原 伸英1, 石垣 範雄1, 中村 恒一1, 岡本 正則1, 小林 伸輔1, 加藤 博之1, 佐野 健司3, 西村 直之4, 堤 秀樹5, 町田 一彦5 & 齋藤 直人6
- 信州大学大学院 医学系研究科
- 信州大学大学院 工学系研究科
- 信州大学医学部附属病院
- R&D Center, ナカシマメディカル株式会社
- 公益財団法人実験動物中央研究所
- 信州大学医学部 保健学科
The application of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as biomaterials is of wide interest, and studies examining their application in medicine have had considerable significance. Biological safety is the most important factor when considering the clinical application of CNTs as biomaterials, and various toxicity evaluations are required. Among these evaluations, carcinogenicity should be examined with the highest priority; however, no report using transgenic mice to evaluate the carcinogenicity of CNTs has been published to date. Here, we performed a carcinogenicity test by implanting multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) into the subcutaneous tissue of rasH2 mice, using the carbon black present in black tattoo ink as a reference material for safety. The rasH2 mice did not develop neoplasms after being injected with MWCNTs; instead, MWCNTs showed lower carcinogenicity than carbon black. Such evaluations should facilitate the clinical application and development of CNTs for use in important medical fields.