Research Abstract
Not all physical errors can be linear CPTP maps in a correlation space
2012年7月13日 Scientific Reports 2 : 508 doi: 10.1038/srep00508

森前 智行1,2,3 & 藤井 啓祐4
- インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(英国)
- パリ東大学・マルヌ-ラ-ヴァレ(フランス)
- 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科 理学研究流動機構(IRCS)
- 大阪大学大学院 基礎工学研究科
In the framework of quantum computational tensor network, which is a general framework of measurement-based quantum computation, the resource many-body state is represented in a tensor-network form (or a matrix-product form), and universal quantum computation is performed in a virtual linear space, which is called a correlation space, where tensors live. Since any unitary operation, state preparation, and the projection measurement in the computational basis can be simulated in a correlation space, it is natural to expect that fault-tolerant quantum circuits can also be simulated in a correlation space. However, we point out that not all physical errors on physical qudits appear as linear completely-positive trace-preserving errors in a correlation space. Since the theories of fault-tolerant quantum circuits known so far assume such noises, this means that the simulation of fault-tolerant quantum circuits in a correlation space is not so straightforward for general resource states.