Research Abstract


ImprimatinC1, a novel plant immune-priming compound, functions as a partial agonist of salicylic acid

2012年10月4日 Scientific Reports 2 : 705 doi: 10.1038/srep00705


能年 義輝1, 軸丸 裕介2, 神谷 勇治2 & 白須 賢2

  1. 岡山大学 異分野融合先端研究コア
  2. 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 植物科学研究センター
Plant activators are agrochemicals that protect crops from pathogens. They confer durable resistance to a broad range of diseases by activating intrinsic immune mechanisms in plants. To obtain leads regarding useful compounds, we have screened a chemical library using an established method that allows selective identification of immune-priming compounds. Here, we report the characterisation of one of the isolated chemicals, imprimatinC1, and its structural derivative imprimatinC2. ImprimatinC1 functions as a weak analogue of salicylic acid (SA) and activates the expression of defence-related genes. However, it lacks antagonistic activity toward jasmonic acid. Structure-activity relationship analysis suggests that imprimatinC1 and C2 can be metabolised to 4-chlorobenzoic acid and 3,4-chlorobenzoic acid, respectively, to function in Arabidopsis. We also found that imprimatinC1 and C2 and their potential functional metabolites acted as partial agonists of SA. Thus, imprimatinC compounds could be useful tools for dissecting SA-dependent signal transduction pathways.


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