Research Abstract
Structural relaxation and quasi-elastic light scattering in glass: Approach by ferroelectric and ion-conducting phases
2012年10月8日 Scientific Reports 2 : 714 doi: 10.1038/srep00714

高橋 儀宏1, 中村 健作1, 長田 実2 & 藤原 巧1
- 東北大学 大学院工学研究科 応用物理学専攻 光物性学分野
- 独立行政法人 物質・材料研究機構 国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点
Inelastic light scattering has been utilized for examining the structure of glass and its relaxation. However, the quasi-elastic-light-scattering (QLS) phenomenon has not been addressed in much detail. In this study, we observed pronounced QLS-intensity variations in two temperature domains—supercooled liquid (SCL) state (α-relaxation regime) and below the glass-transition temperature (β-relaxation regime)—in niobium-oxide (Nb2O5)-rich glass. These variations may be interpreted on the basis of the concept of ferroelectric and ion-conducting phases. It was suggested that the observed QLS originates as a result of the polarization fluctuation of NbO6 units, which is due to the dynamics of the nanometric phase separation in the SCL phase (α-regime), and the fluctuation due to the migration/hopping of conductible ions that are localized in the vicinity of the NbO6 units (β-regime).