Research Abstract
Fluorescence laser microdissection reveals a distinct pattern of gene activation in the mouse hippocampal region
2012年11月7日 Scientific Reports 2 : 783 doi: 10.1038/srep00783

吉岡 亘1, 遠藤 のぞみ1, 倉繁 秋江1, 蓜島 旭1*, 遠藤 俊裕1, 柴田 敏幸1, 3, 西山 龍太郎2, 掛山 正心1 & 遠山 千春1
- 東京大学医学系研究科 疾患生命工学センター 健康環境医工学部門
- ライカマイクロシステムズ株式会社 リサーチ・クリニカル事業部
- 東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 国際保健学専攻 人類生態学教室
* 現所属: 群馬大宅医学系研究科 応用生理学分野
A histoanatomical context is imperative in an analysis of gene expression in a cell in a tissue to elucidate physiological function of the cell. In this study, we made technical advances in fluorescence laser microdissection (LMD) in combination with the absolute quantification of small amounts of mRNAs from a region of interest (ROI) in fluorescence-labeled tissue sections. We demonstrate that our fluorescence LMD-RTqPCR method has three orders of dynamic range, with the lower limit of ROI-size corresponding to a single cell. The absolute quantification of the expression levels of the immediate early genes in an ROI equivalent to a few hundred neurons in the hippocampus revealed that mice transferred from their home cage to a novel environment have distinct activation profiles in the hippocampal regions (CA1, CA3, and DG) and that the gene expression pattern in CA1, but not in the other regions, follows a power law distribution.