Research Abstract
Spectral pattern of urinary water as a biomarker of estrus in the giant panda
2012年11月22日 Scientific Reports 2 : 856 doi: 10.1038/srep00856

木下 こづえ1*, 宮崎 真理1, 森田 博之1, Maria Vassileva1, Chunxiang Tang2, Desheng Li2, 石川 理3, 楠 比呂志1 & Roumiana Tsenkova1
- 神戸大学大学院 農学研究科 農学部
- 臥龍ジャイアントパンダ保護研究センター(中国)
- 神戸市立王子動物園
*現所属:京都大学 野生動物研究センター
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been successfully used for non-invasive diagnosis of diseases and abnormalities where water spectral patterns are found to play an important role. The present study investigates water absorbance patterns indicative of estrus in the female giant panda. NIR spectra of urine samples were acquired from the same animal on a daily basis over three consecutive putative estrus periods. Characteristic water absorbance patterns based on 12 specific water absorbance bands were discovered, which displayed high urine spectral variation, suggesting that hydrogen-bonded water structures increase with estrus. Regression analysis of urine spectra and spectra of estrone-3-glucuronide standard concentrations at these water bands showed high correlation with estrogen levels. Cluster analysis of urine spectra grouped together estrus samples from different years. These results open a new avenue for using water structure as a molecular mirror for fast estrus detection.