Research Abstract
Target proteins of ganoderic acid DM provides clues to various pharmacological mechanisms
2012年11月30日 Scientific Reports 2 : 905 doi: 10.1038/srep00905

Jie Liu1,2, 清水 邦義1, 田中 明信1, 忍 和歌子5, 大貫 宏一郎3, 中村 崇規4 & 近藤 隆一郎1
- 九州大学大学院農学研究院 森林圏環境資源科学研究分野
- ノースカロライナ州立大学 自然資源大学院(米)
- 九州栄養福祉大学 食物栄養学部
- 九州大学大学院医学研究院 教育・研究支援センター
- 日本電波工業株式会社
Ganoderma fungus (Ganodermataceae) is a multifunctional medicinal mushroom and has been traditionally used for the treatment of various types of disease. Ganoderic acid DM (1) is a representative triterpenoid isolated from G. lingzhi and exhibits various biological activities. However, a universal starting point that triggers multiple signaling pathways and results in multifunctionality of 1 is unknown. Here we demonstrate the important clues regarding the mechanisms underlying multi-medicinal action of 1. We examined structure–activity relationships between 1 and its analogs and found that the carbonyl group at C-3 was essential for cytotoxicity. Subsequently, we used 1-conjugated magnetic beads as a probe and identified tubulin as a specific 1-binding protein. Furthermore, 1 showed a similar Kd to that of vinblastine and also affected assembly of tubulin polymers. This study revealed multiple biological activities of 1 and may contribute to the design and development of new tubulin-inhibiting agents.