Research Abstract
A custom magnetoencephalography device reveals brain connectivity and high reading/decoding ability in children with autism
2013年1月25日 Scientific Reports 3 : 1139 doi: 10.1038/srep01139

菊知 充1, 2, 3, 吉村 優子1, 3, 下道 喜代美2, 上野 沙奈絵2, 廣澤 徹2, 棟居 俊夫1, 2, 3, 小野 靖樹2, 坪川 恒久5, 春田 康博6, 大井 学1, 3, 新井田 要1, Gerard B. Remijn4, 高橋 努7, 鈴木 道雄7, 東田 陽博1, 3 & 三邉 義雄1, 2, 3
- 金沢大学 子どものこころの発達研究センター
- 金沢大学 大学院医薬保健学総合研究科・医薬保健学域医学類 脳情報病態学
- 大阪大学・金沢大学・浜松医科大学・千葉大学・福井大学 連合小児発達学研究科 高次脳機能学
- 九州大学 大学国際教育センター
- 金沢大学 大学院医薬保健学総合研究科・医薬保健学域医学類 麻酔・蘇生学
- 横河電機株式会社 MEGセンター
- 富山大学 大学院医学薬学研究部 神経精神医学講座
A subset of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) performs more proficiently on certain visual tasks than may be predicted by their general cognitive performances. However, in younger children with ASD (aged 5 to 7), preserved ability in these tasks and the neurophysiological correlates of their ability are not well documented. In the present study, we used a custom child-sized magnetoencephalography system and demonstrated that preserved ability in the visual reasoning task was associated with rightward lateralisation of the neurophysiological connectivity between the parietal and temporal regions in children with ASD. In addition, we demonstrated that higher reading/decoding ability was also associated with the same lateralisation in children with ASD. These neurophysiological correlates of visual tasks are considerably different from those that are observed in typically developing children. These findings indicate that children with ASD have inherently different neural pathways that contribute to their relatively preserved ability in visual tasks.