Research Abstract
Spontaneous synchronization of arm motion between Japanese macaques
2013年1月28日 Scientific Reports 3 : 1151 doi: 10.1038/srep01151

長坂 泰勇1, Zenas C. Chao1, 長谷川 有美1, 能登谷 智則1 & 藤井 直敬1
- 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター 適応知性研究チーム
Humans show spontaneous synchronization of movements during social interactions; this coordination has been shown to facilitate smooth communication. Although human studies exploring spontaneous synchronization are increasing in number, little is known about this phenomenon in other species. In this study, we examined spontaneous behavioural synchronization between monkeys in a laboratory setting. Synchronization was quantified by changes in button-pressing behaviour while pairs of monkeys were facing one another. Synchronization between the monkeys was duly observed and it was participant-partner dependent. Further tests confirmed that the speed of button pressing changed to harmonic or sub-harmonic levels in relation to the partner's speed. In addition, the visual information from the partner induced a higher degree of synchronization than auditory information. This study establishes advanced tasks for testing social coordination in monkeys, and illustrates ways in which monkeys coordinate their actions to establish synchronization.