Research Abstract
Brain response to affective pictures in the chimpanzee
2013年2月26日 Scientific Reports 3 : 1342 doi: 10.1038/srep01342

平田 聡1, 5, 松田 剛2, 上野 有理3, 福島 宏器4, 不破 紅樹1, 洲鎌 圭子1, 楠木 希代1, 友永 雅己5, 開 一夫2 & 長谷川 寿一2
- 林原 類人猿研究センター
- 東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科
- 滋賀県立大学 人間文化学部
- 関西大学 社会学部
- 京都大学 霊長類研究所
Advancement of non-invasive brain imaging techniques has allowed us to examine details of neural activities involved in affective processing in humans; however, no comparative data are available for chimpanzees, the closest living relatives of humans. In the present study, we measured event-related brain potentials in a fully awake adult chimpanzee as she looked at affective and neutral pictures. The results revealed a differential brain potential appearing 210 ms after presentation of an affective picture, a pattern similar to that in humans. This suggests that at least a part of the affective process is similar between humans and chimpanzees. The results have implications for the evolutionary foundations of emotional phenomena, such as emotional contagion and empathy.