Research Abstract
Dendritic spine dynamics in synaptogenesis after repeated LTP inductions: Dependence on pre-existing spine density
2013年6月6日 Scientific Reports 3 : 1957 doi: 10.1038/srep01957

大江 祐樹1*, 冨永(吉野)恵子1, 長谷川 翔1 & 小倉 明彦1
- 大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 生命機能学専攻 脳神経工学講座 神経可塑性生理学研究室
*現所属先:理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター
Not only from our daily experience but from learning experiments in animals, we know that the establishment of long-lasting memory requires repeated practice. However, cellular backgrounds underlying this repetition-dependent consolidation of memory remain largely unclear. We reported previously using organotypic slice cultures of rodent hippocampus that the repeated inductions of LTP (long-term potentiation) lead to a slowly developing long-lasting synaptic enhancement accompanied by synaptogenesis distinct from LTP itself, and proposed this phenomenon as a model system suitable for the analysis of the repetition-dependent consolidation of memory. Here we examined the dynamics of individual dendritic spines after repeated LTP-inductions and found the existence of two phases in the spines' stochastic behavior that eventually lead to the increase in spine density. This spine dynamics occurred preferentially in the dendritic segments having low pre-existing spine density. Our results may provide clues for understanding the cellular bases underlying the repetition-dependent consolidation of memory.