Research Abstract
Experimental violation and reformulation of the Heisenberg's error-disturbance uncertainty relation
2013年7月17日 Scientific Reports 3 : 2221 doi: 10.1038/srep02221

So-Young Baek1*, 金田 文寛1, 小澤 正直2 & 枝松 圭一1
- 東北大学 電気通信研究所
- 名古屋大学大学院 情報科学研究科
The uncertainty principle formulated by Heisenberg in 1927 describes a trade-off between the error of a measurement of one observable and the disturbance caused on another complementary observable such that their product should be no less than the limit set by Planck's constant. However, Ozawa in 1988 showed a model of position measurement that breaks Heisenberg's relation and in 2003 revealed an alternative relation for error and disturbance to be proven universally valid. Here, we report an experimental test of Ozawa's relation for a single-photon polarization qubit, exploiting a more general class of quantum measurements than the class of projective measurements. The test is carried out by linear optical devices and realizes an indirect measurement model that breaks Heisenberg's relation throughout the range of our experimental parameter and yet validates Ozawa's relation.