Research Abstract
Changes in the taste and textural attributes of apples in response to climate change
2013年8月15日 Scientific Reports 3 : 2418 doi: 10.1038/srep02418

杉浦 俊彦1, 小川 秀和2 福田 典明3 & 森口 卓哉1
- 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 果樹研究所
- 長野県果樹試験場
- 青森県産業技術センター りんご研究所
The effects of climate change on the taste and textural attributes of foods remain largely unknown, despite much public interest. On the basis of 30–40 years of records, we provide evidence that the taste and textural attributes of apples have changed as a result of recent global warming. Decreases in both acid concentration, fruit firmness and watercore development were observed regardless of the maturity index used for harvest date (e.g., calendar date, number of days after full bloom, peel colour and starch concentration), whereas in some cases the soluble-solids concentration increased; all such changes may have resulted from earlier blooming and higher temperatures during the maturation period. These results suggest that the qualities of apples in the market are undergoing long-term changes.