Research Abstract


Emission of spherical cesium-bearing particles from an early stage of the Fukushima nuclear accident

2013年8月30日 Scientific Reports 3 : 2554 doi: 10.1038/srep02554


足立 光司1, 梶野 瑞王1, 財前 祐二1 & 五十嵐 康人1

  1. 気象研究所
The Fukushima nuclear accident released radioactive materials into the environment over the entire Northern Hemisphere in March 2011, and the Japanese government is spending large amounts of money to clean up the contaminated residential areas and agricultural fields. However, we still do not know the exact physical and chemical properties of the radioactive materials. This study directly observed spherical Cs-bearing particles emitted during a relatively early stage (March 14–15) of the accident. In contrast to the Cs-bearing radioactive materials that are currently assumed, these particles are larger, contain Fe, Zn, and Cs, and are water insoluble. Our simulation indicates that the spherical Cs-bearing particles mainly fell onto the ground by dry deposition. The finding of the spherical Cs particles will be a key to understand the processes of the accident and to accurately evaluate the health impacts and the residence time in the environment.


プライバシーマーク制度 (新しいウィンドウを開く)