Research Abstract
Upregulation of colonic luminal polyamines produced by intestinal microbiota delays senescence in mice
2014年4月1日 Scientific Reports 4 : 4548 doi: 10.1038/srep04548

木邊 量子1, 栗原 新2,3*, 坂井 友美2, 鈴木 秀之2, 大賀 拓史4, 澤木 笑美子5, 村松 幸治5, 中村 篤央5, 山下 文乃5, 北田 雄祐5, 掛山 正心6, 辨野 義己1 & 松本 光晴5
- 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 辨野特別研究室
- 京都工芸繊維大学大学院 工芸科学研究科 応用生物学部門
- 京都大学大学院 生命科学研究科 統合生命科学専攻
- ヒューマン・メタボローム・テクノロジーズ株式会社
- 協同乳業株式会社 研究所 技術開発グループ
- 東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 疾患生命工学センター 健康環境医工学部門
*現所属先:石川県立大学 腸内細菌共生機構学講座
Prevention of quality of life (QOL) deterioration is associated with the inhibition of geriatric diseases and the regulation of brain function. However, no substance is known that prevents the aging of both body and brain. It is known that polyamine concentrations in somatic tissues (including the brain) decrease with increasing age, and polyamine-rich foods enhance longevity in yeast, worms, flies, and mice, and protect flies from age-induced memory impairment. A main source of exogenous polyamines is the intestinal lumen, where they are produced by intestinal bacteria. We found that arginine intake increased the concentration of putrescine in the colon and increased levels of spermidine and spermine in the blood. Mice orally administered with arginine in combination with the probiotic bifidobacteria LKM512 long-term showed suppressed inflammation, improved longevity, and protection from age-induced memory impairment. This study shows that intake of arginine and LKM512 may prevent aging-dependent declines in QOL via the upregulation of polyamines.