Research Abstract
Effect of soccer shoe upper on ball behaviour in curve kicks
2014年8月14日 Scientific Reports 4 : 6067 doi: 10.1038/srep06067

石井 秀幸1, 櫻井 義久2 & 丸山 剛生3
- 立教大学 コミュニティ福祉学部 スポーツウエルネス学科
- 国立スポーツ科学センター スポーツ科学研究部
- 東京工業大学大学院 社会理工学研究科 人間行動システム専攻
New soccer shoes have been developed by considering various concepts related to kicking, such as curving a soccer ball. However, the effects of shoes on ball behaviour remain unclear. In this study, by using a finite element simulation, we investigated the factors that affect ball behaviour immediately after impact in a curve kick. Five experienced male university soccer players performed one curve kick. We developed a finite element model of the foot and ball and evaluated the validity of the model by comparing the finite element results for the ball behaviour immediately after impact with the experimental results. The launch angle, ball velocity, and ball rotation in the finite element analysis were all in general agreement with the experimental results. Using the validated finite element model, we simulated the ball behaviour. The simulation results indicated that the larger the foot velocity immediately before impact, the larger the ball velocity and ball rotation. Furthermore, the Young's modulus of the shoe upper and the coefficient of friction between the shoe upper and the ball had little effect on the launch angle, ball velocity, and ball rotation. The results of this study suggest that the shoe upper does not significantly influence ball behaviour.