Research Abstract
From cartoon to real time MRI: in vivo monitoring of phagocyte migration in mouse brain
2014年11月11日 Scientific Reports 4 : 6997 doi: 10.1038/srep06997

森 勇樹1,2, 陳 挺1,2, 藤澤 徹也3, 小橋 昌司3, 大野 工司4, 吉田 慎一5, 多胡 善幸5, 駒井 豊6, 畑 豊3 & 吉岡 芳親1,2
- 大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター 生体機能イメージング
- 情報通信研究機構・大阪大学 脳情報通信融合研究センター
- 兵庫県立大学大学院 工学研究科
- 京都大学 化学研究所
- 株式会社カネカ バイオテクノロジー開発研究所
- 大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター 1細胞1分子イメージング
Recent studies have demonstrated that immune cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of many neurological conditions. Immune cells constantly survey the brain microvasculature for irregularities in levels of factors that signal homeostasis. Immune responses are initiated when necessary, resulting in mobilisation of the microglial cells resident in the central nervous system (CNS) and/or of infiltrating peripheral cells. However, little is known about the kinetics of immune cells in healthy and diseased CNS, because it is difficult to perform long-term visualisation of cell motility in live tissue with minimal invasion. Here, we describe highly sensitive in vivo MRI techniques for sequential monitoring of cell migration in the CNS at the single-cell level. We show that MRI combined with intravenous administration of super-paramagnetic particles of iron oxide (SPIO) can be used to monitor the transmigration of peripheral phagocytes into healthy or LPS-treated mouse brains. We also demonstrate dynamic cell migration in live animal brains with time-lapse MRI videos. Time-lapse MRI was used to visualise and track cells with low motility in a control mouse brain. High-sensitivity MRI cell tracking using SPIO offers new insights into immune cell kinetics in the brain and the mechanisms of CNS homeostasis.