Volume 498 Number 7452



Moral authority p.5

Research must be seen to be accountable, even if that means hanging on to redundant reviews.

doi: 10.1038/498005b


The paper trail p.5

Scientists must embrace funding-agency efforts to track research outputs and encourage open access to the literature.

doi: 10.1038/498005a

Natureでは論文の添付データを拡充するため、新たにオンラインでアクセスできるExtended Data欄を導入する。

Nature papers enhanced p.6

doi: 10.1038/498006a



‘Plastic wood’ is no green guarantee p.13

Researchers question benefits of tropical-wood substitute.

doi: 10.1038/498013a


Tensions grow as data-mining discussions fall apart p.14

Scientists want to exempt computer-based text crawling from Europe’s copyright law.

doi: 10.1038/498014a


Glowing plants spark debate p.15

Critics irked over planned release of engineered organism.

doi: 10.1038/498015a


Geneticists push for global data-sharing p.16

International organization aims to promote exchange and linking of DNA sequences and clinical information.

doi: 10.1038/498017a


Europe reforms its fisheries p.17

Agreement would set catch limits that are in line with scientific advice.

doi: 10.1038/498016a


Agency gets a grip on budget p.18

Reforms increase flexibility and shift spending towards non-communicable disorders.

doi: 10.1038/498018a

News Features


Quantum physics: The quantum atom p.21


doi: 10.1038/498021a


Bohr's model: Extreme atoms p.22


doi: 10.1038/498022a

News & Views


Theoretical physics: Sizing up atoms p.40


doi: 10.1038/498040a


High-temperature superconductivity: The sound of a hidden order p.41


doi: 10.1038/498041a


Immunology: An innate regulatory cell p.42

自然リンパ球がCD4+ T細胞を制御できることがわかり、免疫系調節のまた別の形態と思われるものが明らかになった。これによって、体が常在菌と病原性細菌を区別する仕組みを説明できるかもしれない。

doi: 10.1038/498042a


Techniques: Optical spectroscopy goes intramolecular p.44


doi: 10.1038/498044a


Biochemistry: The ylide has landed p.45


doi: 10.1038/nature12247


Climate science: Plant a tree, but tend it well p.47


doi: 10.1038/498047a


Genomics: A gut prediction p.48


doi: 10.1038/nature12251



Ice-sheet mass balance and climate change p.51

A review of the past six years of research on ice-sheet mass-balance change shows that accelerated loss from Greenland is a robust finding, but that loss from Antarctica is probably far lower than previously thought.

doi: 10.1038/nature12238



The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution p.60

Understanding the earliest phases of primate evolution is obscured by gaps in the fossil record, but some light is shed by the discovery of a nearly complete and substantially articulated skeleton of a tiny primate from the early Eocene; the new primate lies near the pivotal evolutionary dichotomy separating the tarsier and anthropoid lineages and it possesses features that are characteristic of subsequent members of both lineages.

doi: 10.1038/nature12200


Rats maintain an overhead binocular field at the expense of constant fusion p.65

In freely moving rodents, eye movements serve to keep the visual fields of the two eyes continuously overlapping overhead at the expense of continuous alignment, a strategy that may have evolved to maintain constant overhead surveillance of predators.

doi: 10.1038/nature12153


KAT5 tyrosine phosphorylation couples chromatin sensing to ATM signalling p.70

KAT5 tyrosine phosphorylation, mediated by the tyrosine kinase c-Abl, increases after DNA damage, promoting KAT5 binding to histone H3K9me3, which triggers KAT5-mediated acetylation of the ATM kinase; this promotes the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint and cell survival.

doi: 10.1038/nature12201



Bounding the pseudogap with a line of phase transitions in YBa2Cu3O6+δ p.75

Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors detects the thermodynamic signature of the pseudogap phase boundary and its evolution with doping.

doi: 10.1038/nature12165


Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a Fermi gas with resonant interactions p.78

In an ultracold, superfluid Fermi gas, measurements of second sound — a wave in which the superfluid and normal components of the gas oscillate in antiphase — make it possible to determine the temperature dependence of the superfluid fraction.

doi: 10.1038/nature12136


Chemical mapping of a single molecule by plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering p.82

Chemical mapping of a single molecule by optical means down to subnanometre resolution is achieved by spectrally matching the resonance of a nanocavity plasmon to the vibronic transitions of the molecules being studied, using tip-enhanced Raman scattering.

doi: 10.1038/nature12151


Argon isotopic composition of Archaean atmosphere probes early Earth geodynamics p.87

The analysis of the isotopic signature of argon in 3.5-billion-year-old hydrothermal quartz suggests an early development of the continental crust, with implications for climate variability at that time.

doi: 10.1038/nature12152


The rewards of restraint in the collective regulation of foraging by harvester ant colonies p.91

Desert harvester ant colonies regulate their foraging activity and this collective behaviour appears to be under selection; colonies that forage less when conditions are poor have greater reproductive success, and the regulation of foraging behaviour appears to be inherited from parent to offspring colonies.

doi: 10.1038/nature12137


Architecture and evolution of a minute plant genome OPEN p.94

The genome of the carnivorous bladderwort plant Utricularia gibba is described here; despite having undergone at least three rounds of whole-genome duplication, its genome is unusually small and virtually devoid of intergenic DNA.

doi: 10.1038/nature12132


Gut metagenome in European women with normal, impaired and diabetic glucose control p.99

The faecal metagenome of a cohort of 145 European women with normal, impaired or diabetic glucose control was characterized and discriminant metagenomic markers for type 2 diabetes were identified; the discriminant markers differed from those of a recent Chinese cohort, suggesting that metagenomic predictive tools may need to be specific for age and geographic location.

doi: 10.1038/nature12198


Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants p.104

In two species of songbirds and in pre-lingual human infants, vocal transitions across syllables are acquired slowly, one by one, indicating that combinatorial ability is not the starting point of vocal development but a laboriously achieved end point.

doi: 10.1038/nature12173


A key role for mitochondrial gatekeeper pyruvate dehydrogenase in oncogene-induced senescence p.109

Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is identified as a crucial mediator of BRAFV600E-induced cellular senescence: PDH is activated by BRAF-mediated suppression of PDK1, enhancing oxidative glucose metabolism, and PDK1 depletion eradicates mutant BRAF melanomas, indicating that this relationship between cell senescence and metabolism might be exploited therapeutically.

doi: 10.1038/nature12154

免疫:自然リンパ球は腸内常在共生菌に対するCD4+ T細胞応答を調節する

Innate lymphoid cells regulate CD4+ T-cell responses to intestinal commensal bacteria p.113

Group 3 innate lymphoid cells are shown to process and present antigen and to control CD4+ T-cell responses to intestinal commensal bacteria through an MHC-class-II-dependent mechanism.

doi: 10.1038/nature12240


Control of angiogenesis by AIBP-mediated cholesterol efflux p.118

Gene-expression studies are used to elucidate the relationship between cholesterol regulation and angiogenesis: apolipoprotein A-1 binding protein (AIBP) is found to enhance cholesterol influx from endothelial cells to high-density lipoprotein, and the resulting cholesterol depletion alters membrane lipid order in the vasculature, leading to decreased vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signalling.

doi: 10.1038/nature12166


Structure-guided discovery of the metabolite carboxy-SAM that modulates tRNA function p.123

Members of the SAM-dependent methyltransferase superfamily are involved in the modification of wobble uridine to 5-oxacetyl uridine in Gram-negative bacteria; CmoA converts SAM to carboxy-SAM (Cx-SAM; a metabolite that was unknown previously), and CmoB uses Cx-SAM to convert 5-hydroxyuridine to 5-oxyacetyl uridine in tRNA.

doi: 10.1038/nature12180

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