Crop conundrum p.307
The EU should decide definitively whether gene-edited plants are covered by GM laws.
doi: 10.1038/528307b
The EU should decide definitively whether gene-edited plants are covered by GM laws.
doi: 10.1038/528307b
After 25 years of divisive debate, the governments of the world unite in Paris to fight global warming. But the hard work must start now.
doi: 10.1038/528307a
The German research community can benefit from the influx of migrants.
doi: 10.1038/528308a
Agreement forged in Paris aims to hold warming ‘well below’ 2 °C.
doi: 10.1038/528315a
Debate surrounds relative importance of environmental and intrinsic factors.
doi: 10.1038/528317a
Negotiations between South Korea and China to demarcate boundary could aid research.
doi: 10.1038/528318a
Scientists frustrated at delay in deciding if GM regulations apply to precision gene editing.
doi: 10.1038/528319a
Social scientists launch integration studies and warn of need to counter rising xenophobia.
doi: 10.1038/528320a
doi: 10.1038/528322a
doi: 10.1038/nature16320
doi: 10.1038/528337a
doi: 10.1038/nature16323
doi: 10.1038/nature16319
doi: 10.1038/528341a
doi: 10.1038/528343a
The fossil record provides a nuanced view of ecosystem collapse over intervals of mass extinction, with abundant, biomineralizing and widespread species preferentially preserved; here the authors collate evidence for ‘mass rarity’ during these intervals, and suggest that the increasing rarity of modern species, rather than their outright extinction, may be a better metric for comparing the current biodiversity crisis to the ‘Big Five’ mass extinctions in the Earth’s history.
doi: 10.1038/nature16160
Neural sequences recorded from the vocal premotor area HVC in juvenile birds learning song ‘syllables’ show ‘prototype’ syllables forming early, with multiple new highly divergent neural sequences emerging from this precursor syllable as learning progresses.
doi: 10.1038/nature15741
Transient manipulation of neural activity is widely used to probe the function of specific circuits, yet such targeted perturbations could also have indirect effects on downstream circuits that implement separate and independent functions; a study to test this reveals that transient perturbations of specific circuits in mammals and songbirds severely impair learned skills that recover spontaneously after permanent lesions of the same brain areas.
doi: 10.1038/nature16442
The microbiota of the rhizosphere (roots) and phyllosphere (leaves) of healthy plants consist of taxonomically structured bacterial communities; here the majority of species representing the main bacterial phyla from these two organs were isolated and genomes of about 400 representative bacteria were sequenced; the resources of cultured bacteria, corresponding genomes and a gnotobiotic plant system enabled an examination of the taxonomic overlap and functional specialization between the rhizosphere and phyllosphere bacterial microbiota.
doi: 10.1038/nature16192
The authors define molecular mechanisms by which distinct domains of the ubiquitin editing enzyme A20 contribute to the regulation of inflammation and cell death.
doi: 10.1038/nature16165
Global, three-dimensional simulations of rapidly rotating massive stars show that turbulence driven by magnetohydrodynamic instability is a promising mechanism for the formation of pulsars and magnetars, the latter potentially powering hyperenergetic and superluminous supernovae.
doi: 10.1038/nature15755
Harnessing the entanglement of different ionic species could bring new flexibility in quantum computing, and now two groups independently demonstrate entanglement between different atomic species; Tan et al. achieve entanglement between different elements, whereas the related paper by Ballance et al. shows entanglement between different atomic isotopes, together demonstrating a first step towards mixed-species quantum logic.
doi: 10.1038/nature16186
Harnessing the entanglement of different ionic species could bring new flexibility in quantum computing, and now two groups independently demonstrate entanglement between different atomic species; Ballance et al. achieve entanglement between different atomic isotopes, whereas the related paper by Tan et al. shows entanglement between different elements, together demonstrating a first step towards mixed-species quantum logic.
doi: 10.1038/nature16184
Nanoscale radiative heat transfer between both dielectric and metal surfaces separated by gaps as small as two nanometres is characterized by large gap-dependent heat transfer enhancements that are accurately modelled by the theoretical framework of fluctuational electrodynamics and has important implications for technological design.
doi: 10.1038/nature16070
A mechanism for the repression of homologous recombination in G1, the stage of the cell cycle preceding replication, is determined; the critical aspects are the interaction between BRCA1 and PALB2–BRCA2, and suppression of DNA-end resection.
doi: 10.1038/nature16189
Aerial imagery from the 1980s is used to calculate ice mass loss around the entire Greenland Ice Sheet from 1900 to the present; during the twentieth century the Greenland Ice Sheet contributed at least 25.0 ± 9.4 millimetres of global-mean sea level rise.
doi: 10.1038/nature16183
Data from the long-running Park Grass Experiment is used to show that grassland biodiversity is recovering since UK atmospheric nitrogen levels started to decline 25 years ago in all but the most acidic soils.
doi: 10.1038/nature16444
Age at maturity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is governed to a substantial extent by a locus showing dominance reversal, providing a resolution for sexual conflict in this trait, for which selection favours different ages in the two sexes.
doi: 10.1038/nature16062
The identification of an enzymatic system repairing proteins containing oxidized methionine in the bacterial cell envelope, a compartment particularly susceptible to oxidative damage by host defence mechanisms.
doi: 10.1038/nature15764
Neutrophils are shown to have a role in driving the metastasis of breast cancer cells to the lung, with neutrophil-derived leukotrienes promoting metastatic initiation in the lung by expanding the sub-pool of cancer cells with high tumorigenic potential.
doi: 10.1038/nature16140
A causal variant is identified at the LMO1 oncogene locus that drives the genetic association of LMO1 with neuroblastoma susceptibility; the causal SNP disrupts a GATA transcription factor binding site within a tissue-specific super-enhancer element in the first intron of LMO1, thereby affecting LMO1 expression.
doi: 10.1038/nature15540
A mechanism for the repression of homologous recombination in G1, the stage of the cell cycle preceding replication, is determined; the critical aspects are the interaction between BRCA1 and PALB2–BRCA2, and suppression of DNA-end resection.
doi: 10.1038/nature16142