今回、Evan Smithたちの研究グループは、数十万点の候補試料のスクリーニングを行った上で、ラマン分光法を用いて、46個のIIb型ダイヤモンドに含まれる稀少な包有物の特徴を明らかにした。安定した大陸地殻と上部マントルを起源とし、通常はケイ酸塩包有物や硫化鉱物包有物を持つダイヤモンドとは異なり、ブルーダイヤモンドは、海洋プレートが下部マントルに沈み込んだ後に見られることが予想される鉱物相が含まれている。このことから、IIb型ダイヤモンドの起源は、既知の中で最も深い場所にあると考えられる。また、ブルーダイヤモンドの包有物の一部を取り巻く液体水素とメタン溶液は、元となる鉱物の水和があったことを示している。海洋プレート中のホウ素供給源の中で、沈み込みの際に安定を保つ可能性が最も高いのが蛇紋岩で、水を保持することができるため、以上の研究知見は地球の深部での水の再循環の主要経路の1つを示しているかもしれない。
Boron-bearing blue diamonds may be among the deepest diamonds ever found and their geochemical history could shine light on the extent of the Earth’s crustal recycling, reports a paper in this week’s Nature.
Materials from the Earth’s surface are recycled into the mantle by plate tectonics. However, the extent of crustal recycling has been hard to determine. Evidence for possible deep recycling of surface materials comes through rare blue boron-bearing (or ‘type IIb’) diamonds, like the famous Hope Diamond. Boron is predominantly a crustal element, making its presence in diamond-forming mantle fluids mysterious and suggesting a crustal connection. However, the diamonds’ rare and precious nature, as well as their general lack of mineral inclusions that could yield clues to their formation, makes their origin hard to determine.
Evan Smith and colleagues used Raman spectroscopy to characterise rare inclusions in 46 type IIb diamonds, having screened hundreds of thousands of potential samples. Unlike diamonds originating in stable continental crust and the upper mantle, which typically have silicate or sulphide inclusions, blue diamonds contain mineral phases that one would expect to see after the subduction of an oceanic plate into the lower mantle. This would make the origin of type IIb diamonds among the deepest known. In addition, hydrogen and methane fluids surrounding some of the inclusions in the diamonds indicate hydration of the original minerals. The boron source in oceanic plates that is most likely to remain stable during subduction is serpentinite, which can also host water, so these findings also highlight a possible major pathway for the recycling of water deep into the Earth.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0334-5
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