Research press release





今回、Teresa Antojaたちの研究グループは、ガイア宇宙望遠鏡からのデータを用いて、天の川銀河の円盤内にある星の動きと位置を分析した。Antojaたちは、星の運動をカテゴリー別に仕分けするための特別な位置-速度図を作成し、データ中にさまざまな渦巻きパターンを見いだした。これは、星が渦巻き運動をしていることを示しているのではなく、天の川銀河全体の回転に寄与しながら天の川銀河をさまざまな経路で移動する複数の星の集団が存在することを意味している。


The movements of over six million stars in the Milky Way have been tracked, revealing that groups of stars follow different courses as they orbit the Galactic centre, reports a paper published this week in Nature. This non-uniform rotation is believed to be the result of a smaller, satellite galaxy passing close to the Milky Way hundreds of millions of years ago.

The majority of stars in the Milky Way are located in its disk, the flat region surrounding the Galaxy’s central bulge. The internal structure of the disk has been shaped by varied influences. The Milky Way’s central bar and spiral arms induce radial migration, for example, and the influence of satellite galaxies can alter stellar movements. However, when modelling galaxies it is generally assumed that the movement of the disk’s stars is largely in dynamic equilibrium and symmetric about the Galactic plane.

Teresa Antoja and colleagues analysed the movements and positions of stars in the Milky Way’s disk, using data from the Gaia space observatory. Generating a special position–velocity diagram that allows astronomers to sort star motions into categories, the authors find various spiral patterns in the data. This does not mean that the stars move along spirals but rather that there are populations of stars that move on different paths through the Milky Way while still participating in the overall rotation.

The authors suggest that this movement was formed by the nearby passage of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy between 300 and 900 million years ago. These different motions had not been resolved in previous studies, which had limited precision and included fewer stars.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0510-7

「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。

