
予防可能な小児の死亡をなくすという目標の達成に近づくには、小児の死亡率と傾向を十分に解明する必要がある。この必要性に応えるため、Simon Hayたちの研究グループは、2000年から2017年までのアフリカ、アジア、中東、北米・中南米、オセアニアの99の中低所得国の5歳未満児の死亡に関する高分解能マップを作製した。Hayたちは、国レベルで、調査対象国の小児死亡率が2000年から2017年までに41%減少したことを示している。2017年の小児の死亡数が最も多かったのはインド、ナイジェリア、パキスタン、コンゴ民主共和国だが、それぞれの国内で死亡数の分布に偏りがあった。Hayたちは、地理的格差がなければ、これらの国々で2000年から2017年までに起こった小児の死亡の約3分の2を防ぐことができたと推定している。さらに、研究対象地域でSDGs ターゲット3.2の目標値である少なくとも1000人当たり25人という死亡率を達成していれば、2017年には推定260万人の5歳未満児の死亡を回避できた可能性があるとHayたちは報告している。
同時掲載のWorld Viewでは、国連人権高等弁務官のMichelle Bachelet(前チリ大統領)が、小児の死亡を減らすには、病気の子どもが確実に医者に診てもらえるようにすることよりも広範な努力が必要だと主張している。Bacheletは、「死亡に寄与する要因とは、結局、病気よりも広範な困難である貧困、無力化、差別、不正の解消に失敗していることなのである。今週号に掲載されるデータのような確かなデータに対しては、政府と社会のあらゆる分野で対策を講じられなければならない」と指摘している。
A detailed global map of death rates in children under five years of age from low- and middle-income countries, reported in Nature, estimates that 123 million children died between 2000 and 2017. The study explores how a child’s risk of dying before the age of five varies depending on where they are born. Examining the causes of these inequalities could help to inform policies and public health programmes that aim to end preventable child deaths globally.
Child deaths have decreased globally from 19.6 million in 1950 to 5.4 million in 2017; in 2017, 93% of child deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.2 aims to end preventable child deaths by 2030. Although considerable progress has been made to meet this goal there is still variation in death rates at subnational levels, such as within states and provinces or districts and counties.
Pursuing the goal to end preventable deaths requires a good understanding of child mortality rates and trends. To address this need, Simon Hay and colleagues created high-resolution maps of deaths in infants and children under the age of five, from 99 low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas and Oceania between 2000 and 2017. The authors indicate that, at the national level, child mortality has decreased by 41% between 2000 and 2017, across the countries studied. The largest number of child deaths in 2017 occurred in India, Nigeria, Pakistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, although the distribution of these deaths varied within the countries. The authors estimate that, in the absence of geographical inequalities, about two-thirds of child deaths between 2000 and 2017 in these countries could have been prevented. Furthermore, if the areas studied had met the SDG 3.2 target of at least as low as 25 deaths per 1,000, an estimated 2.6 million deaths of children under the age of five may have been averted in 2017, the authors report.
In an accompanying World View, Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Chile, argues that reducing child deaths will require broader efforts than making sure sick children can see a doctor. She notes that “the factors that contribute to deaths come down to failures to treat broader ills: poverty, disempowerment, discrimination, and injustice. Hard data, like that published this week, must be followed up by action across the whole spectrum of government and society.”
doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1545-0
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