Research press release





今回、Frido Welkerたちの研究グループは、中国のChuifeng洞窟で発見された190万年前のギガントピテクス・ブラッキーの化石臼歯を分析した。Welkerたちは、この化石試料から古いエナメルタンパク質を回収し、雌のギガントピテクス・ブラッキーの臼歯である可能性があることを示している。さらなる分析は、ギガントピテクス属が約1200万~1000万年前に共通祖先を持つオランウータンの姉妹群であることも示された。今回の研究で得られた知見によれば、ギガントピテクス属の分岐があったのは中新世の中期または後期とされる。


An analysis of dental enamel from an extinct giant ape species, Gigantopithecus blacki, is reported in Nature this week. The research may aid our understanding of great ape evolution and diversification.

G. blacki is an extinct giant ape, which was first identified in 1935 based on a single tooth sample and is thought to have lived in Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene period (around 2,000,000 to 300,000 years ago). Numerous G. blacki teeth and four partial mandibles have been identified but the absence of cranial remains has meant its relationship to other great ape species and its divergence from them has been hard to determine.

Frido Welker and colleagues analyse a 1.9-million-year-old fossil molar from G. blacki discovered in Chuifeng Cave, China. The authors recovered ancient enamel proteins from the sample and suggest that the molar may have belonged to a female G. blacki. Further analysis indicates that Giganthopithecus is a sister group to orangutans with a common ancestor around 12 - 10 million years ago. This finding places the divergence of Giganthopithecus in the Middle or Late Miocene epoch.

The authors suggest that these are the oldest known skeletal proteins sequenced to date. They propose that the survival of ancient enamel proteins from a subtropical specimen expands the scope of proteome analysis into geographical areas and time periods that have previously been thought to be incompatible with the technique.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1728-8

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