
2018年に起きたキラウエア火山(米国ハワイ州)の噴火は、極端な降雨によって引き起こされたという考えを示した論文が、Nature に掲載される。この新知見は、火山のハザード評価を行う際に降雨を考慮に入れるべきことを示している。
今回のJamie FarquharsonとFalk Amelungの研究では、2018年の噴火に対する降雨の影響を調べた。ハワイでは、この噴火の前に数か月間にわたって降水量が異常に多い状態があった。今回の研究では、雨水が火山の地下に浸透し、噴火直前と噴火時の間隙圧がそれまでの約50年間の最高レベルに上昇したことが判明し、そのために火山の構造が弱体化して、マグマが侵入して噴火したという考えが提示されている。また、FarquharsonとAmelungは、過去のキラウエア火山の噴火の統計解析を行い、乾季よりも短い雨季に1790年以降の火山噴火の約60%が起こっていたことを明らかにした。このことは、過去のキラウエア火山の噴火と降雨との相関関係を示唆している。
The 2018 eruption of the Kīlauea Volcano in Hawai’i may have been activated by extreme rainfall, suggests a paper in Nature. The findings indicate that rainfall should be taken into account when assessing volcanic hazards.
The 2018 eruption of the Kīlauea Volcano in Hawai’i may have been activated by extreme rainfall, suggests a paper in Nature. The findings indicate that rainfall should be taken into account when assessing volcanic hazards.
Jamie Farquharson and Falk Amelung examined the impact of rainfall on the 2018 eruption. Prior to the eruption, Hawai’i had several months of anomalously high precipitation. The authors show that rainfall had infiltrated the volcano’s subsurface, increasing the pore pressure to the highest level in nearly 50 years immediately before and during the eruption. They suggest that this weakened the volcano’s structure and allowed magma to intrude, resulting in the eruption. The authors conducted statistical analyses of historical eruptions of Kīlauea and found that from 1790 onwards nearly 60% of eruptions occurred in the rainy season, despite it being shorter than the dry season. This suggests a correlation between rainfall and Kīlauea’s eruptions throughout history.
The authors indicate that improving our understanding of the relationship between rainfall and volcanic eruptions might help us to forecast future rainfall-induced volcanic activity.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2172-5
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