
人間が管理する生態系には、かく乱されていない生息地よりも多くの人獣共通感染症の宿主が存在していることを明らかにした論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。今回の研究は、農業生態系、牧場生態系、都市化生態系の監視を強化して、土地利用と保全計画に関連する疾患関連医療コストを考慮することの必要性を明確に示している。
今回、Kate Jonesたちの研究チームは、全世界の生態系6801か所と宿主動物種376種を分析し、土地利用が各地域の人獣共通感染症の宿主群集に対して広域的で系統的な影響を及ぼすことを明らかにした。人間が管理する生態系では、近隣のかく乱されていない生息地よりも、既知の人獣共通感染症の宿主動物種の種数と個体数が多かった。
Human-managed ecosystems harbour more hosts of zoonotic disease than undisturbed habitats, a Nature study reveals. The research highlights the need for enhanced surveillance of agricultural, pastoral and urbanizing ecosystems, and to consider the disease-related health costs associated with land use and conservation planning.
Zoonotic diseases, such as Ebola, Lassa fever and Lyme disease, are caused by pathogens that spread from animals to people. It is widely accepted that land use change — for example, the conversion of natural habitats to agricultural land or cities — influences the risk and emergence of zoonotic diseases in humans, but whether this is underpinned by predictable ecological changes has been unclear.
Kate Jones and colleagues analysed 6,801 ecological systems and 376 host species worldwide to show that land use has global and systematic effects on local zoonotic host communities. There are more species and greater numbers of known zoonotic hosts in human-managed ecosystems than in nearby undisturbed habitats.
The effect is strongest for rodent, bat and passerine bird species, which may help to explain their prevalence as zoonotic disease hosts. As the world continues to deal with the current zoonotic COVID-19 pandemic, the authors caution that global land use change is creating increasing opportunities for contact between people and potential hosts of human disease.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2562-8
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