
大胆な保全方法と食料システムの持続可能性の向上を組み合わせることで、生息地の転換による陸上生物多様性の減少という状況を逆転させられると示唆するモデル研究について報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。
農業や林業のために自然生息地を破壊するといった人間の圧力は、生物多様性の急速な減少を引き起こし、私たちが依存する生態系サービスを危険にさらしている。生物多様性に関する野心的な目標が提案されているが、増え続ける人類の食料を賄う能力を維持しつつ、こうした目標を達成する方法は明らかになっていない。今回、David Leclèreたちの研究チームは、これが可能なことを、土地利用と生物多様性のモデルを用いて示している。
Declines in terrestrial biodiversity from habitat conversion could be reversed by adopting a combination of bold conservation methods and increases in the sustainability of the food system, a modelling study published in Nature suggests.
Human pressures, such as the destruction of natural habitats to make way for agriculture and forestry, are causing rapid declines in biodiversity, and placing at risk the ecosystem services upon which we depend. Ambitious targets for biodiversity have been proposed, but it is unclear how these targets can be achieved whilst retaining the ability to feed a growing population. Using land-use and biodiversity models, David Leclère and colleagues show how this is possible.
Conservationists need to increase the amount of actively managed land, restore degraded land and adopt generalized landscape-level conservation planning. Meanwhile, we need to eat fewer animal-derived calories, waste less food and find ways to intensify food production sustainably.
If this double-pronged strategy is followed, more than two thirds of future biodiversity losses from habitat conversion could be avoided, the authors suggest. However, they caution that other threats, such as climate change, must also be addressed to truly reverse biodiversity declines.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2705-y
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