
東南アジアへ移動した後のヒト族の進化は、中期更新世にサバンナだった地域が完新世までに密な熱帯雨林に置き換わるという気候変動を背景にして起こったことを明らかにした論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。今回の分析から、東南アジアでのヒト族の進化を取り巻く環境的状況と、動物の絶滅との関連が明確になった。
Julien LouysとPatrick Robertsは今回の論文で、第四紀(260万年前~現在)を通じた東南アジアの哺乳類の安定同位体データの大規模データセットを示した。このデータから、前期更新世(約260万~77万4000年前)に森林だった地域が、中期更新世(約77万4000年前~)までにサバンナへと変化し、これが、草食動物の分布拡大とブラウザー(低木の葉や果実を食べるヤギやシカなどの採食動物)の絶滅につながったことが明らかになった。サバンナは、後期更新世(約12万9000年前~)に後退し、完新世(1万1700年前)までに完全に消失して、林冠の閉鎖した熱帯雨林に取って代わられた。この変化により、サバンナや森林が生息地だったホモ・エレクトス(Homo erectus)やその他の動物が犠牲になり、熱帯雨林に適応した動物種と適応能力の高いホモ・サピエンス(Homo sapiens)が優勢になった。
The evolution of hominins after their migration into Southeast Asia occurred against a backdrop of climate change in which the savannahs of the Middle Pleistocene eventually gave way to dense rainforest by the Holocene, according to a paper published this week in Nature. This analysis establishes the environmental context of hominin evolution in the region, and its association with animal extinction.
Southeast Asia is an important region for understanding hominin and mammalian migrations and extinctions. High-profile discoveries have shown that Southeast Asia has been home to at least five members of the genus Homo. Stable isotope tests, in which distinct carbon and oxygen isotopes can give clues about past plant life and water availability, have long been used to establish the environmental context of such evolutionary changes in Africa. However, few tests have been conducted in Southeast Asia.
Julien Louys and Patrick Roberts present a large-scale dataset of stable isotope data for Southeast Asian mammals that spans the Quaternary period (2.6 million years ago to the present). Their results show that the forests of the Early Pleistocene (around 2.6 million to 774 thousand years ago) had turned into savannahs by the Middle Pleistocene (after around 774 thousand years ago), which led to the spread of grazers and extinction of browsers (herbivores such as goats or deer, which eat leaves and fruits from shrubs). Savannahs retreated during the Late Pleistocene (from around 129 thousand years ago) and completely disappeared by the Holocene epoch (at 11.7 thousand years ago), replaced by closed-canopy rainforest. This change led to the domination of rainforest-adapted species—as well as the highly adaptable Homo sapiens—at the expense of savannah and woodland specialists, such as Homo erectus.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2810-y
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